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Sept 16, 2023 6:07:45 GMT -8
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DELAWARE 16 583 by Christalclear
Sept 11, 2023 18:49:57 GMT -8

Before it can reach Fourtrees, the river curves to form the border between RiverClan and ThunderClan. It is strong and incredibly swift, but not all that deep; especially at the edges, the water is quite shallow, and it is only in the middle where it reaches perhaps a maximum depth of five feet. It ends in a medium-sized waterfall that cascades into the beginning of the gorge, and its entire length is filled with fish. The river is fairly wide, dangerous for any but a seasoned RiverClan swimmer to swim. However, there are stepping stones and other methods of crossing all along the river that cats make full use of. The forest by this border has abundant prey like water voles who live along the riverbanks, lined thickly with rushes, ferns and reeds, and along its edges, in quiet mini-lagoons, are lilypads. Sunsets at this river are incredibly beautiful.

+ JAMIE Avatar
Oct 1, 2023 7:13:12 GMT -8

This is the border between ShadowClan and ThunderClan. It is a gray-black strip of asphalt, cracked and aging with the burden of hurtling cars ("monsters"). It has an acrid tinge from the oil and gas ("food of the monsters") and can sting a cat's nose. At the edge of the path are patches of unhealthy, grayish grass and small stunted trees. One of these trees, an ash, marks the spot where most cats like to cross. Underneath the Thunderpath is an old twoleg tunnel, which cats also like to use to get between territories, though subsequently it's a place where cats have to tread very carefully, lest their intentions be misinterpreted by the other Clan.

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Remember all that construction around the Thunderpath that momentarily caused havoc in the Clans, and even created the possibility of moving elsewhere? Well, after moons of stress and trials, the result of all that work became clear. A large hall had been built at the edge of ShadowClan territory, pretty much against the Thunderpath; an event hall, as it were. The cats waited for it to be permanently occupied, but it never was, though sporadically and without warning twolegs will show up, be very noisy for a couple of hours, and then leave again. Though its unpredictability makes it dangerous, it has become the most commonly acknowledged symbol of the Wind and ShadowClan border.

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A huge gorge marks the RiverClan border with WindClan. Its sides are made up of steep rocky cliffs, and the river runs fast and clear between, a dangerous hazard for creatures of any kind. Though there are sparse beaches some cats take advantage of, the trip down the cliff-side and the subsequent danger of the water itself usually dissuades exploration. Sage-colored grass appears in tufts along the cliffside, providing some security for brave cats or the occasional rodent. Once, when the river was shallower, slower, and smaller, it was a good hunting area, but as the river changed it scared away most of the prey, leaving nothing but a risky canyon. There is a brief transition between reedy marshes and open, grassy moors before this gorge. It splits the land until fairly close to Fourtrees, where it narrows out and becomes shallower, and the source of the entire river - a spring bubbling out between two rocks - is visible.

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