This is a big hollow-slash-pit of sand where the ThunderClan cats come to train apprentices. Surrounded by large oak trees, the ground is so soft that apprentices are unlikely to hurt themselves practicing out their various battle moves. Sometimes warriors come here to share techniques or occasionally settle disputes; for a clean, ideal space without any distractions, this is the perfect place.

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Once neatly organized rows of pines, planted for the sole purpose of harvesting lumber, the small acreage has long since been abandoned and left to the wild. Overrun by prey and briars, it's uncomfortably close to the border with the city, but nevertheless is a nice defensive barrier. Very rarely, twolegs do come here to cut the trees down, though they're usually preceded by machines and noises that alert all ThunderClanners to their arrival. There are deep ditches and gullies, carved by previous two-leg tree-eaters, and over time have filled with muddy water.

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Snakerocks is a group of boulders near the ShadowClan border. By the thunderpath, a cave between the rocks offers a shelter for many dangerous animals throughout the seasons, like foxes, badgers and sometimes dogs. Named for the poisonous adders nesting among the rocks, this place is generally treated as extremely dangerous and avoided at all costs. Despite that, medicine cats often venture here; the herb chervil root is abundant, and can often be hard to find in other parts of the territory.

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