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Sept 16, 2023 6:07:45 GMT -8
Thread Announcement  
DELAWARE 16 531 by Christalclear
Sept 11, 2023 18:49:57 GMT -8

Deep in the heart of the mountains, accessible only by following a narrow path over a dangerous ridge of stone, lies Starspire Valley. Lush and rich, many first-time visitors freeze at first sight, not entirely convinced they haven't dreamt up the paradise scene before them. At the far end of the valley, a waterfall ends in a series of small pools nestled in the cliffside, which eventually feed into a narrow but deep stream that cuts diagonally across the valley before plummeting over the edge of another cliff. An abandoned building, once used as a ranger station, sits next to the stream. Underground geothermal heat keeps all but the heaviest snows from covering the long grass and wildflowers, even while the mountains around the valley are coated in white. Most eye-catching, however, are the stone spires. Hewn from rock and smoothed by wind and time, nineteen of them stand scattered throughout the valley, easily twenty feet tall (or taller) and six feet broad at the base. Some are thin, and narrow and sharpen to points; others are bulbous and bulky, with crevices aplenty where daring cats can climb and sleep. How they were formed is a mystery, though stories - creepy and fantastical alike - abound. Nevertheless, there is no denying that for the cats who find refuge here, Starspire Valley is a true oasis.

Mar 25, 2023 6:10:33 GMT -8