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Sept 16, 2023 6:07:45 GMT -8
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DELAWARE 16 534 by Christalclear
Sept 11, 2023 18:49:57 GMT -8
Minteh Freshness 3 220 by sleeperworld
Feb 19, 2024 12:47:22 GMT -8

Located within sturdy branches that have been clustered together and triple-sealed with mud to form a den, the leader of ShadowClan lives slightly elevated, their home about three feet off the ground on a particularly wide and study tree limb. It's more like a nest than any of the other dens, and unless you look out, some leaders have admitted to completely forgetting they're up in the air. The leader will often personalize the den to make it more comfortable; some with lichen, some with moss, and one notable leader used only feathers. A crack of light can be seen through a narrow opening near the trunk of the tree - the entrance - but otherwise the den itself is quite dark.

no threads.

The medicine cat's den is settled in a small burrow underground, made long ago by a fox, with the herbs resting in dug out 'bowls' in a corner. To protect them from dirt contamination, the bowls are lined with leaves, and the herbs themselves are carefully wrapped. An 'outer den,' of ferns and brush, extend the burrow onto the surface of the earth. This is where the moss nest of the medicine cat lies. Moss bedding and flat tree stumps are also found here in case there are more guests, though severe cases are taken underground and treated directly there in the small space at the back of the den. The entrance is covered by sweet grass, giving a nice aroma, and water is replenished regularly in a hollowed out tree stump, set just outside the entrance to collect rain.

andromeda Avatar
Dec 31, 2023 15:33:35 GMT -8

A cave built into the corner of the ShadowClan camp is where the warriors den lies. It has many moss beds and even some ledges where cats can sleep if they prefer to be slightly elevated. The covering is shielded by a brush thicket, and it's more than sufficient to keep everyone secure at night. This den is also closest to the entrance, ensuring that the warriors will be the first and quickest to react should the camp come under a surprise attack.

no threads.

The apprentice's den is just next to the warriors den, and like the elder's den, formed underneath tree roots. Moss overhangs the entrance, and inside it has an incredibly cozy feel. Crevices lay on both sides of the den, releasing rays of light into the dark space. Moss and feather beds can be seen at all corners, and for the most part, the ShadowClan apprentices push their beds to the edges of the den, so as to provide a 'meeting and hanging out space' in the middle. This tends to disappear during winter, when they all cluster together for warmth.

no threads.

The nursery is neatly covered with ferns that provide the effect of insulation and increased warmth for the queens inside. Moss nests heavily lined with feathers provide a soft and comfortable sleep. Three crevices of light appear from the top of the nursery, releasing little bursts of weather that can soothing to queens, partly attributed to the fact that it implies StarClan is watching over them. In worse seasons, though, these crevices are easily patched. The den itself is guarded well from prying eyes by bushes and grass, and is heavily fortified against attacks.

no threads.

The elder's den is quite spacious, dug out into a large burrow under tree roots with large moss beds and a square opening. This entrance is barely see-able because of the careful camouflage tactics employed in designing the den. The fresh-kill pile is close, so elders won't have to be walking a long way to satisfy their needs, and they are far enough away from the tunnel entrance that they will not be the first targeted should the camp be attacked.

no threads.